Pets Supplies 2
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Winged Elevator Standard Handel - Dr.Tail

Winged elevator 1 mm standard handle

1 mm Standard Handle Standard dental elevator with longer handle and winged tips are ideal for breaking periodontal ligament for convenient teeth removal. Light weight ergonomic design with impression feature...
Winged Elevator Stubby Handle - Dr.Tail

Winged elevator 2mm straight tip elevator

Straight Tip Elevator 2mm Stubby handle dental elevator are shorter size ergonomic handle elevator .normalused with palm pressure to loosen teeth and for breaking periodontal ligament.Well suited to small hands...
Winged Elevator Stubby Handle - Dr.Tail

Winged elevator 1mm stubby handle

1mm Stubby Handle Stubby handle dental elevator are shorter size ergonomic handle elevator .normalused with palm pressure to loosen teeth and for breaking periodontal ligament.Well suited to small hands to...
Winged Elevator Standard Handel - Dr.Tail

winged elevator 4mm standard handle

4mm Standard Handle Standard dental elevator with longer handle and winged tips are ideal for breaking periodontal ligament for convenient teeth removal. Light weight ergonomic design with impression feature to...
Periosteal Elevator No 9 - Dr.Tail

Periosteal Elevator DRTSM38

Periosteal elevator is used to reflect,pull away, or detachand lift the tissue and periosteum from the sharpand one rounded end are often used to retract tissue.  
Deciduous Elevator - Dr.Tail

Deciduous Elevator

Double Ended Deciduous Elevator Small (2mm) Double ended curved deciduous elevators are availablein three sizes and very useful to remove deciduous teeth. These instruments are designed to be wedged in...
Coupland Dental Elevator - Dr.Tail

Concaved tip coupland dental elevators - Set of three elevators

2mm (6134-6 Set of 3 Elevators) Concaved tip coupland dental elevator are available in threedifferent sizes.Very useful elevators for removing roots orfor driving into the periodontal ligament to expand the...
Cryer Elevator - Dr.Tail

Cryer's elevators - set of two elevators

Right Hand (6173-74 Set of 2 Elevators) Cryer,s elevators have a sharp pointed triangular beak set at a right angleto face either the left or right side of the shaft.The...
Coupland Dental Elevator - Dr.Tail

Concaved tip coupland dental elevators - Set of three elevators

1mm (6134-6 Set of 3 Elevators) Concaved tip coupland dental elevator are available in threedifferent sizes.Very useful elevators for removing roots orfor driving into the periodontal ligament to expand the...
Canine Root Elevator - Dr.Tail

Canine root elevator - set of three elevators

Straight 14 cm 5.5" (6175-77 Set of 3 Elevators) Canine Root elevator comes in 3 different angels and concaved straighttips.Very useful elevators to compress spaces between teeth and bones.Due to...
Winged Elevator 5 pcs Kit, Small Handle DRTSM4

Winged Elevator 5 pcs Kit, Small Handle DRTSM4

Our Winged Elevator 5 pcs Kit with Small Handles, 2,3,4,5 and 6 mm, is designed for delicate tooth extractions in pets. The small handles provide better grip and control for...