Pouch/Cheek Dilators & Mouth Gags
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Dentistry Forceps & Cutter - Dr.Tail

premolar rasp fine pattern

Pre -Molar Rasp Fine pattern These rasps are specially designed for small animal dentistry and availablein medium , fine and diamond coated patterns.Very useful to smooth -en off sharp edges.Medium...
Dentistry Forceps & Cutter - Dr.Tail

Premolar Rasp Medium Dentistry Forcep

These rasps are specially designed for small animal dentistry and availablein medium , fine and diamond coated patterns.Very useful to smooth -en off sharp edges. Medium & fine pattern can...
Dentistry Forceps & Cutter - Dr.Tail

straight jaw forceps

Straight Jaw Forceps Small 12.5 cm Spring operated 12.5 cm small animal tooth extraction forceps are ideal for removing tooth from socket.these forceps have sharp wedge shape to cutperiodontal fibres and...
Dentistry Forceps & Cutter - Dr.Tail

Dentistry Angled jaw Forceps Small 12.5 cm

Spring operated 12.5 cm small animal tooth extraction forceps are ideal for removing tooth from socket.these forceps have sharp wedge shape to cutperiodontal fibres and to dilate the socket in...
Dentistry Forceps & Cutter - Dr.Tail

Dentistry Forceps & Cutter

Rabbit Cheek Teeth Extraction Forceps (Molar Teeth) Rabbit cheek teeth extraction forceps for premolar and molar teeth .Forcepswith angled narrow gauge with serrated beak for easy access and gripping of...
Dentistry Forceps & Cutter - Dr.Tail

Dentistry Forceps & Cutter

Rodent teeth / Incisor Cutting Forceps
Pouch/Cheek Dilators & Mouth Gags - Dr.Tail

Pouch/Cheek Dilators & Mouth Gags

(6102-6104 Set of 3 Cheek Dilator) These cheek dilators can be used on various mammals ranging from specialized miniature rodents to standard size and lagomorphs.  
Pouch/Cheek Dilators & Mouth Gags - Dr.Tail

Pouch/Cheek Dilators & Mouth Gags

Large (6102-6104 Set of 3 Cheek Dilator) These cheek dilators can be used on various mammals ranging from specialized miniature rodents to standard size and lagomorphs.  
Pouch/Cheek Dilators & Mouth Gags - Dr.Tail

Pouch/Cheek Dilators & Mouth Gags

Medium (6102-6104 Set of 3 Cheek Dilator) These cheek dilators can be used on various mammals ranging from specialized miniature rodents to standard size and lagomorphs.  
Pouch/Cheek Dilators & Mouth Gags - Dr.Tail

Pouch/Cheek Dilators & Mouth Gags

Small (6102-6104 Set of 3 Cheek Dilator) These cheek dilators can be used on various mammals ranging from specialized miniature rodents to standard size and lagomorphs.  
Pouch/Cheek Dilators & Mouth Gags - Dr.Tail

Pouch/Cheek Dilators & Mouth Gags

Long Cheek Dilator Extended length paddles for better examination and viewing of premolar/molar teeth.