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standard prob/scalers for dogs - dog scaler right
Dog Scaler Right Our Scalers and probes can be used t carry out various dentistry procedures onregular and large size mouth structures.the working ends come in a variety of shapes...
Standard prob/scalers small animals - jaquette supragingival scaler double ended
Jaquette Supragingival Scaler Double Ended Our Scalers and probes can be used t carry out various dentistry procedures onregular and large size mouth structures.the working ends come in a variety...
Rounded tip warwick james root elevators - set of 3 elevators
( LH) 15.2 cm 6" (6178-80 Set of Elevators) Rounded Tip Warwick James root elevatorcome in 3 different angels.These Elevators are ideal for feline androdent dental work and assist efficiently...
Rounded tip warwick james root elevators - set of 3 elevators
(RH) 15.2 cm 6" (6178-80 Set of Elevators) Rounded Tip Warwick James root elevatorcome in 3 different angels.These Elevators are ideal for feline androdent dental work and assist efficiently in...
Rounded tip warwick james root elevators - set of 3 elevators
Straight 15.2 cm 6" (6178-80 Set of Elevators) Rounded Tip Warwick James root elevatorcome in 3 different angels.These Elevators are ideal for feline androdent dental work and assist efficiently in...
Canine root elevator - set of three elevators
(LH) 15.2 cm 6" (6175-77 Set of 3 Elevators) Canine Root elevator comes in 3 different angels and concaved straighttips.Very useful elevators to compress spaces between teeth and bones.Due to...
Canine root elevator - set of three elevators
Straight 14 cm 5.5" (6175-77 Set of 3 Elevators) Canine Root elevator comes in 3 different angels and concaved straighttips.Very useful elevators to compress spaces between teeth and bones.Due to...
Cryer's elevators - set of two elevators
Left Hand (6173-74 Set of 2 Elevators) Cryer,s elevators have a sharp pointed triangular beak set at a right angleto face either the left or right side of the shaft.The...
Cryer's elevators - set of two elevators
Right Hand (6173-74 Set of 2 Elevators) Cryer,s elevators have a sharp pointed triangular beak set at a right angleto face either the left or right side of the shaft.The...
Concaved tip coupland dental elevators - Set of three elevators
3mm (6134-6 Set of 3 Elevators) Concaved tip coupland dental elevator are available in threedifferent sizes.Very useful elevators for removing roots orfor driving into the periodontal ligament to expand the...
Concaved tip coupland dental elevators - Set of three elevators
2mm (6134-6 Set of 3 Elevators) Concaved tip coupland dental elevator are available in threedifferent sizes.Very useful elevators for removing roots orfor driving into the periodontal ligament to expand the...
Concaved tip coupland dental elevators - Set of three elevators
1mm (6134-6 Set of 3 Elevators) Concaved tip coupland dental elevator are available in threedifferent sizes.Very useful elevators for removing roots orfor driving into the periodontal ligament to expand the...