Recognizing Animal Gum Disease: Signs and Treatment

Recognizing Animal Gum Disease: Signs and Treatment

Among animals exist this common sickness but sometimes without due consideration of its importance and this is gum disease caused by the bacteria (spots most often in the form of a mucous coating in the teeth) that form on the teeth of dogs, cats, and hardly any others. A potential hazard of health separation might occur if it is not treated at an early stage.

What is Gum Disease?

Gum disease is the infectious affliction of the gums and tissues that by and large hold the teeth in place. It merely gets started with tooth plaque, which is a thin layer of bacteria that sticks to the tooth surface. Toxin is not available, so there is no tooth decay cause and the bacterial film grows on the surface of the teeth. If the plaque still exists, it will turn into tartar, a film that will be responsible for the inflammation of the gums with russet or dark blue discoloration and the affected area will be tender to the touch.

Signs of Gum Disease in Animals

A healthy pet is a special pet, so if you keep your animals healthy, you have to be careful and note the changes in their mouth conditions. The symptoms that are best.

1. Bad Breath: The most common and very first symptom of gum disease is often bad breath that refuses to go away.

2. Red or Swollen Gums: Pink and firm gums is the symbol of good health in dogs, cats, they are supposed to be. Gums that are either red, swollen or bleeding are not a sign of good health, in fact, it tells you that the system is in trouble.

3. Bleeding Gums: Taking a bite or chewing and being irritated because of gum disease can result in bleeding if you have it.

4. Difficulty Eating: All of a sudden, your pet may spontaneously start resisting you if you have gum disease i.e. pets with gum disease may have trouble chewing and may prefer softer foods to avoid pain.

5. Loose Teeth: When gum disease reaches its final stage, the teeth are so damaged that the end results are either loose teeth or the teeth can start falling out.

6. Pawing at the Mouth: They may paw at their mouths or become restless when mouth-area is touched.

7. Visible Tartar: Yellow or brown tartar that sticks to the teeth is a clear sign of gum disease.

Cure and Prevention

To stop and cure the pet’s gum disease it is necessary that the animal gets dental care consistently and he pays attention to the hygiene of the pet. How to help him/her:

1. Regular Checkups: To look after the health of a pet, it is necessary to make an appointment for a dental examination at your veterinary clinic each time you take it there. If the vet suspects that it is a symptom of gum disease, then you will be able to solve this problem at very early stages by visiting the clinic and doing the necessary treatment to the pet.

2. Professional Cleanings: A vet is the one who not only can remove plaque and tartar but also can protect your pet from them through regular professional dental cleaning.

3. Daily Brushing: You will experience less plaque and tartar buildup on the pet’s teeth if you brush the teeth of your pet daily using a pet toothbrush and toothpaste made specifically for pets to remove the tartar and plaque meticulously.

4. Healthy Diet: Just as with humans promote your pet’s health using diets with dental chews and interactive toys.

5. Monitor Oral Health: Make sure that you see no changes in his/her mouth and that you are alerted to gum disease. Early diagnostic methods may prove very useful.

6. Dental Products: Utilize dental products like the new water additives, oral sprays, and dental treats that work together to aid you to take care of your pet’s oral hygiene.


Gum disease is a common yet preventable problem. To keep your pet in good health and comforter, you can do this by noticing the symptoms of their oral disease early on and following the proper steps for looking after their oral health. Gum disease can be controlled by regular vet care and good home dental care. Your pet will undoubtedly be in good health if his/her mouth is kept healthy.

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