The Importance of Animal Dental Care

The Importance of Animal Dental Care

Just like humans, animals need good dental care to maintain overall health. If left untreated, dental problems can cause serious health issues. In this article, we will discuss some common dental problems found in animals and the tools as well as techniques used to solve them.

Common Dental Issues in Animals

Periodontal Disease:

Periodontal disease is among the most widespread dental problems affecting pets especially the older ones. It results from accumulation of plaque and tartar on the teeth which can lead to inflammation and infection of the gums. Failure to treat this condition may cause loss of teeth or even spread it to other body parts.

Tooth Fractures:

Animals often break their teeth while chewing hard objects, particularly dogs. These fractures expose the tooth’s pulp thereby causing pain, infections and abscesses.

Oral Tumors:

Oral tumors may manifest themselves as difficulty in eating, halitosis or oral bleeding among animals. They could be benign or malignant thus requiring medical attention for diagnosis and treatment.


Malocclusions result when teeth fail to align properly; it can either be acquired or congenital. This leads to oral pain, difficulty in eating and more dental problems may arise due to this issue.

Preventing Dental Issues in Animals

Regular Dental Check-Ups:

Frequent veterinary dental check-ups are necessary for early detection and prevention of dental problems. Professional cleanings and examinations can be done by a vet to maintain the oral health of your pet.

Proper Diet:

Feeding your pet with a balanced diet helps in preventing dental problems. There are some types of food that have been made specifically for teeth care while others help reduce build-up plaque and tartar. Appropriately sized toys or treats also contribute towards cleaning the teeth when chewed on them.

Brushing Your Pet’s Teeth:

Regular brushing of the animal’s teeth is one way you can help prevent dental problems. Animals should not use human toothpaste hence it will be good if you get them their own toothbrush and toothpaste for this purpose.

Dental Care Tools for Animals

Toothbrushes and Toothpaste:

These are sold in pet stores and veterinary clinics where they have been specially made for use by animals. They come with different shapes and sizes so as to fit various mouth sizes of different kinds of pets plus the toothpaste is flavored making it more appealing for the pet.

Dental Chews and Treats:

Dental chews and treats help to minimize plaque and tartar build-up. They are normally of abrasive nature for mechanical cleaning of the teeth during chewing of the animal. They are available in multiple flavors and are sized for all pets.

Oral Rinses and Gels:

Helping to decrease bacterial reservoirs in the mouth and freshen breath, gels and oral rinses are easy to apply and a precious addition to your home care program.

Water Additives:

Naturally flavored with no smell or taste, these additives aid in plaque control and are simply added to your pet’s drinking water

Professional Dental Instruments:

Veterinarians use various professional dental instruments to initially examine and clean animals’ teeth in their practice. Some of these include scalers, polishers, and dental x-ray machines. The professional cleaning, however, has to be in much detail to highlight issues that the home care is negative of doing.

A healthy dental formula is an integral part of the general health and welfare of animals. Proper awareness of the most common dental problems will help people provide the needed preventive and curative treatment for pets through rightly using tools of dental care. Adequate dental care for animals includes regular veterinary check-ups, a balanced diet, and brushing on a routine basis.

Here’s the link to our website where you can find 300+ variety of tools for the hygiene for pets.